Ninth Circle skiveklare

Og nei, dette er ikke det norske bandet 🙂

30. mai kommer Los Angeles-bandet med nytt album, det melder Pure Steel. Legions Of The Brave er bandets tredje skive, som ikke er veldig imponerende med tanke på at fartstiden er på over 20 år :).

Presseskriv: «On their third album Legions Of The Brave the music moves between symphonic Heavy/Power Metal and melodic Hard Rock with a great technical guitar work. A spherical keyboard meets pushing double basses, while some guitar solos (All or Nothing for example) reveals a closeness to the sensitive feelings of a Ritchie Blackmore (represented with a strong cover of Stormbringer …). Catchy riffs are also present on the album, as well as AOR influenced parts. And finally the clear and harmonious vocals of Dennis Brown are putting a smile on the listener’s face.»


  1. Arcturus Rising Part 1
  2. After The Rain
  3. All Or Nothing
  4. Living On The Sun
  5. The Quickening
  6. Legions Of The Brave
  7. Arcturus Rising Part 2
  8. Grinding The Bastards Down
  9. Going Home
  10. In Evil We Trust
  11. Stormbringer
  12. The World Burns Away