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Den tekniske progressive dødmetallen får også selskap av ambient som forklaring, da er du kanskje litt klokere?
Om du vil ha flere referanser, sakset jeg disse fra bandets Facebookside (link under); Between The Buried And Me, The Contortionist, Painted In Exile, Born Of Osiris, Veil Of Maya, Animals As Leaders.
Albumet, Primitives, kom i handel i går via Subliminal Groove Records. Det er Matt Benton@Hold
Tight! Pr som tipser.
«The Room Colored Charlatan’s sophomore release, Primitives is a crushing and ear-busting record, a rare album that manages to combine the emotional maturity of progressive metal with the precision and power of technical metal. Despite the progressive nature of the record, Primitives is at heart a concept release with a simple message, that humankind is not as civilized or as modern as we like to think.»
The Room Colored Charlatans@Facebook
<a href=»http://theroomcoloredcharlatan.bandcamp.com/album/primitives»>Primitives by The Room Colored Charlatan</a>