Eluveitie, video II fra nytt album

Sveitserne er klar med videoklipp nummer to fra sitt blodferske album, ‘Origins’. Skiva kom i handel for noen dager siden, og liker du det du hører under er det jo bare å støtte opp og kjøpe.

New Wave Of Folk Metal er taggen de får, det må du nesten vurderer selv, men folk-elementene er ihvertfall godt til stede i form av diverse instrumenter.  

Bandet hadde dette å si om klippet: «We are proud to present to you the second video for the album: The Call Of The Mountains! This is a song that has a very personal connection to all of us – it is a song about the long searched-for destination at the end of an epic journey, the journey of the Celts who were to become the Helvetians: it is a song about our mystical, majestical and unparalleled alps. We shot the video in a fitting, beautiful (and sometimes vertigo-inducing) scenery, and we hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it for you!»


Tracklist ‘Origins’: 

  1. Origins
  2. The Nameless
  3. From Darkness
  4. Celtos
  5. Virunus
  6. Nothing
  7. The Call Of The Mountains
  8. Sucellos
  9. Inception
  10. Vianna
  11. The Silver Sister
  12. King
  13. The Day Of Strife
  14. Ogmios
  15. Carry The Torch
  16. Eternity

Her er lyric-videoen til skivas først singel, ‘King’,: