Nyinnspilt versjon av denne fete hardrocklåten.
At The Gates, albumaktuelle og Oslobesøk
I oktober kommer det skive fra svenskene, i februar vanker det konsert i Oslo.
Bandet har nettopp ferdigstilt skiva, innspilling, miksing og mastering, tittelen er At War With Reality og kommer 27. oktober via Century Media.
Vokalist Tomas Lindberg: «We are very excited to finally have finished this new album. An album that we’ve been working on for over a year now. It’s by far the most challenging record that we have made, but it’s an honest album and I think that you will feel that it is faithful to the legacy of At The Gates.
We have, through the process of creating it, been true to ourselves and our art. From hearing the first demos that Anders presented to the band last summer, through the extensive stages of songwriting, pre-production, rehearsals, recording and mixing, we now finally got the finished album in our hands.
We are very happy to have managed to produce an album that we feel is truly «us». Something we can all stand behind one hundred percent. I can’t wait ’til you all get to hear it!»
26. februar neste år er de å finne på Vulka Arena i Oslo. I tillegg er de booket til neste års Blastfest i Bergen.