Stryper, livskive (cd/dvd)

Kristenrockernes relativt ferske doble smaker bra!

Jeg har ikke fulgt veldig nøye med på bandet siden type slutten av 80-tallet, men litt sporadiske kontakt har det vært. Dette livealbumet dog, det er et fint dokument på hvor de står musikalsk idag. Anmeldelse kommer, kun basert på audiodelen dessverre.


Tracklist cd:

  1. Legacy
  2. Marching Into Battle
  3. You Know What To Do
  4. Loud N’ Clear
  5. Reach Out
  6. Calling On You
  7. Free
  8. More Than A Man
  9. The Rock That Makes Me Roll
  10. No More Hell To Pay
  11. Jesus Is Just Alright
  12. Always There For You
  13. All For One; The Way
  14. To Hell With The Devil
  15. Soldiers Under Command

Dvd-en inneholder de samme låtene, men med følgende ekstramateriale:

  1. No More Hell To Pay (Videoklipp)
  2. Sympathy (Videoklpp)
  3. Nashville All Access (Intervju)

«Live at the Whisky is the new Live cd/dvd package from Stryper featuring the original line up in a sold out show held in October 2014 at the Whisky Club in LA during a handful of shows in support of the release of the latest studio album No More Hell To Pay, the album that marked Stryper’s highest Billboard chart entry since the days of To Hell With the Devil