Danskene er ute med ny smakebit.
Trold (video)

Mange vet at denne turneen dessverre ikke kommer til Norge.
Det er rævsynd, men tar du turen til Gøteborg (8/11) eller Stockholm dagen etter, er det levlig om du er blodfan,. Om man må vel si at denne turnepakken er relativt oldschool og fet? Support kommer fra Herod.
Jeff Walker/Carcass: «Off the back of touring the U.S. with Obituary and Australia and New Zealand with Napalm Death we thought it would be cool to combine both tours into something special…and given that Napalm Death had just toured the US with Voivod why not invite them also along for the ride? Carcass has wanted to do a Euro Tour for a while now, we’ve been looking for the perfect opportunity and this is IT! Save your pennies for the heaviest tour of the fall and see it LIVE before it gets uploaded to YouTube on low quality camera phones!”