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Orkan meldes til høsten
Denne skiva kommer i september, og artikkelen under inneholder nok info til at jeg bare lar den stå, og promoterer det kommende albumet i gjenvinningsånd 🙂
Nyhet fra 11.07.15
Det er fortsatt en tid til bandet slipper sitt andre album, men orkaner tar vi seriøst.
Jeg kjenner jo litt til Byfrost, som har en link til Orkan, ellers vet jeg lite. Da var det jo svinepassende at Patricia Thomas kom innom med litt info:
«With a release date set for the 11th September, Dark Essence Records have revealed details for the upcoming sophomore full-length album from Norwegian Black Metallers Orkan. Titled Livlaus, the seven-track album was recorded live in the studio, with no editing of the basic tracks, whilst vocals and effects were added later. Hoest (Taake) and V’gandr (Helheim) perform guest vocals on two of the tracks.
Livlaus promises to be an uncompromising album, whose Black Metal influenced sound features elements from Thrash and other Extreme genres, and creates atmospheric melodies with haunting vocals and intense blastbeats. With Norwegian lyrics, the whole album is loosely based on the concept of a lost soul trying to find peace in the Kingdom of the Dead, and was inspired by the forests and old sulphur mines in the area around drummer Rune Nesse’s hometown of Stord, on the west coast of Norway.»
Her er en sang fra det kommende albumet: