Sabaton spiller inn gig

Sabaton Open Air (13. – 15. august) blir filmet for kommende dvd/blu ray.

Utgivelsen kommer til å inneholde konserten bandet kjører på Sabaton Open Air om få dager i tillegg til flere konserter, samt andre saker. Detaljer kommer vi tilbake til. Release er planlagt tidlig neste år.

Bassist Pär Sundström: «We feel that the time is right for another live release. A lot has happened with Sabaton since the last release which was recorded 2012 in Poland. We have a new album and Hannes is now in the band. But not only that… We now have two new members on the stage: Audie and Walther! And all together we now make a show which is better then ever before. This is something we would love to record so it stays forever!»

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