Fem nye band er sluppet til Inferno 2024:
Malice In Wonderland, the end
Bandet har bestemt seg for å legge inn årene.
En engelsk pressemelding ser slik ut: «After being in Malice In Wonderland half my life I have decided to put Malice In Wonderland to rest» says singer and founder Chris Wicked in a statement. «Earlier this summer Tracy (guitarist) informed me that he wanted a break from the music industry to focus on other stuff. I don’t want to bring in a new guitarist in the band at this point and therefor feel it is time to end this incredibly journey. It’s been 10 years since we released our debut CD, it’s been a hell of a ride and we all agree it’s a good time to close the book. Two farewell shows (Helsinki & Bergen) will be held before we take the final bow.
We would like to thank everyone who has supported us and stood by us over the years. Friends and family, business partners and bands we’ve toured and played with. But most of all we would like to thank our dedicated and beautiful fans around the world, you know who you are and we love you.»
Siste gig er i Bergen, bandets hjemby, @Garage 9. oktober. Heavymetal.no. som har fulgt bandet ganske så lenge, ønsker de involverte lykke til framover.