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Svartelder, kontrakt
Bandet har signert kontrakt, det opplyser bandets management.
Patricia Thomas: «With a freshly inked two-album deal with the
Dusktone label, and with a new lineup that includes members of Carpathian Forest, In The Woods…, Den Saakaldte, Pantheon I and Old Forest, Svartelder are gearing up to bring their particular take on Norwegian Black Metal to a wider audience.
As well as the two full-length albums, the first of which is set to appear in early 2016, Dusktone will also physically release the band’s Askebundet EP, which has so far only appeared in digital format. The CD version will include an additional bonus track that is not available on the three-track digital version, and will hit the streets later this year.»
Nyhet fra 11.07.15:
I går kom bandets 3-spors ep ut.
Ep-en, som er selvfinansiert, bærer tittelen Askebundet, og fås på Bandcamp
med name your price. Støtt opp!
- Askebundet
- Bleeding Wounds
- Ingen Vet Jeg Var…
<a href=»»>Askebundet EP by Svartelder</a>