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The Paralydium Project har medlemmer fra band som Kamelot, Therion og Joe Lynn Turner, m.fl.
Jeg strekker det kanskje litt, for ikke alle har like sterk tilknytning til disse banda, men de bruker ihvertfall disse linkene når lineup-en presenteres:
Det er til info Jon Berg som startet bandet, i år. Relativt nytt opplegg med andre ord.
The Paralydium Project@Facebook
«Their deliverance of melodic, technical and powerful songs takes you through space and time for an experience beyond borders. With influences from bands such as Symphony X, Dream Theater, Pagan’s Mind etc, TPP has created their own significant sound, combining elements from the prog-metal elite into a best of both worlds sound.
The Paralydium Project EP was released in October 2015 and has set new grounds into the world of progressive metal. It is a definite must have for anyone who are into this kind of music.»
Sjekk Spotify, Itunes, Amazon, Google Play eller Soundcloud for en digital kopi.