Stemninger og lydsfærer fra duoen.
Picture Ann, etterlatenskap

Albumet ‘Deadly Dawn’ kommer ut 26. februar 2016.
Det er Century Media som informerer.
Det kommer en singel i desember, jeg skal prøve å melde det inn om jeg får et hint.
Bassist Victor Brandt: »We are really looking forward to get out of the studio and hit the road with our friends in Behemoth, Abbath, and Inquisition. It’s a really cool package, every band is bringing their A game and I can promise you that you do not want to miss this. There’s gonna be a few surprises on the setlist and we’re hitting the stage as a five-piece. See you in the pit and/or at the bar! Cheers!»
Gitarist og co-produsent Nico: «After festering an eon inside the belly of the beast, it finally disposed of us. I’m not gonna tell you out of which orifice we were spawned, but I will tell you it was demeaning in the true sense of the word. From this horrible experience came the urge to express ourselves through sound and so we did. Now, it’s done and we can only look proudly back on what we have created: a damn sinister sounding record. You might not be able to comprehend it, but you won’t be able to deny it either!»