Destruction kom nylig med sitt 16. album, Birth Of Malice.
A destructive birth…

Nå fikk jeg tips om at Tank har svingt opp en ny låt på nett. Skiva er også å få fatt i på vinyl.
Nyhet fra 25.09.15:
Tank er ute med nytt album idag, tittelen på skiva er ‘Valley Of Tears’.
1. Valley Of Tears
2. War Dance
3. Eye Of A Hurricane
4. Hold On
5. Living A Fantasy
6. Heading For Eternity
7. World On Fire
8. Make A Little Time
9. One For The Road
Her er en lyricvideo selskapet sendte over:
Nyhet fra 01.09.15:
Link til intervju med Cliff Evans og videotaser.
Metal Mind Production slipper Tanks kommende skive 25. september, tittelen er ‘Valley Of Tears’.
Cliff Evans gjorde et intervju med Bonavox Magazine, som jeg fikk link til – her er et utdrag:
«Our last two albums War Nation and War Machine featured the amazing vocals of Doogie White which really helped to elevate Tank to a new level and open up a whole new audience that previously would never have been exposed to our music. This was the direction that Mick and me had wanted to go in for a long time but were unable to until we brought in a world class vocalist. Doogie’s voice gave us a more classic rock sound but with our trademark guitar growl it still had the Tank edge.
After Doogie departed to join up with Michael Schenker, we decided to take Tank in a much heavier direction. In came former Dragonforce frontman ZP Theart. Some people thought this was a strange choice for vocalist but we knew what he was capable of and he was definitely one of the best performers around. He was in our touring line up for a couple of years before we started working on material for Valley of Tears so he knew where we were heading and what we were about.
This album is a huge step forward from our previous albums and ZP’s vocals, melodies and lyrics have been a major part of this.
Also, the addition of former Sodom drummer Bobby Schottkowski to the line up has given us the power and drive that we’ve been looking for. He’s the backbone of the band now. It’s like he’s always been with us.
Working with Barend Courbois was such a great privilege. He joined us on our first ever Brazilian tour and played on the album just before he headed out on tour with his regular band Blind Guardian.
There’s some very talented and experienced musicians on this album and it really shows in the final result. If you like metal, this is for you!»