Nyinnspilt versjon av denne fete hardrocklåten.
Arena, live-dvd i februar
Neoprogbandet slipper snart dvd.
De fleste kjenner til dette om neoprog eller prog er stiler man liker, eller man vet at Mick Pointer pleide å være i Marillion ;). Polske Metal Mind Productions slipper live-dvd 12. februar neste år. Utgivelsen blir også tilgjengelig på cd.
«Arena – neo-prog-rock giants founded in 1995 by two celebrities of the scene: Mick Pointer (ex-Marillion) and Clive Nolan (Pendragon, Shadowland, Strangers on a Train, Caamora), release their brand new live DVD in February 2016. Material enitled XX was recorded during the Polish leg of 20th Anniversary Tour – The Unquiet Sky, shortly after the release of their 8th studio masterpiece The Unquiet Sky.
The band once more graced their Polish fans with an outstanding show, this time at Katowice’s Kinoteatr Rialto. New release is a veritable feast for all prog-rock fans! More than two hours of darkly sublime beauty, interviews with Clive Nolan and Mick Pointer and more!»
- The Demon Strikes
- Rapture
- Double Vision
- Crack in the Ice
- 5. Moviedrome
- How Did it Come to This?
- Butterfly Man
- Bedlam Fayre
- Serenity
- The Unquiet Sky
- Traveller Beware
- The City of Lanterns
- Riding the Tide
- Hanging Tree
- The Tinder Box
- Solomon
- Don’t Forget to Breathe
- Cryig for Help 7
Bonus på dvd:
- Interview with Mick Pointer
- Interview with Clive Nolan
- Extras: Photo gallery, Discography, Desktop images