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Highway To Lelahell (dokumentar)
Hørt om algeriske Redouane Aouameur? Ikke jeg heller.
Men dette er en perfekt anledning til å bli kjent med litt av den algeriske metalscenen, i dette tilfelle den extreme, hvor Redouane har vært en figur i 23 år. Dokumentaren, som du ser under her, er på 52 minutter (Du skifter til engelsk undertekst når du er på Youtube).
«This movie talks about his career, enriched for 23 years, which blends with the history of Metal in Algeria, from the Black Decade until today. Metalhead to his fingertips, totally committed to the music and especially for the dissemination and presentation of this musical style, far from clichés and prejudices, Redouane Aouameur will confide his diverse experiences in the Metal.
Singer, bassist and above all guitarist today, he will talk about himself and evoke the bands in which he was one of the founding members, Neanderthalia, Carnavage, Devast, and of course the legendary adventure of the band Litham, without forgetting Lelahell in which he’s the front man today.»
Dokumentaren inkluderer ikke tidligere publiserte filmsnutter, eksklusive klipp fra konserter og uttalelser fra tidligere bandkolleger.
«Highway to Lelahell is an excellent opportunity to see the true face of the Algerian Metal scene.»