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Diamond Head, nytt album
Engelskmennenes nye album er ute, Dissonance Productions står bak slippet.
Dere som ikke kjenner til bandet bør vel strengt tatt skjemmes litt og begynne å google, eller lete i foreldres eller eldre slektningers platesamling :). Man uansett, bandet er ute med nytt album, og man har jo alltid håp om at slike gamlinger kan overraske.
Originalt var denne noter med juni-release, men jeg mener å ha lest at grunnet at skiva ble sikret verdensomspennende slipp, ble datoen trukket bakover. Offisiell release i enkelte deler av verden er visstnok 3. juni, men whatever, det betyr så lite i den store sammenhengen.
Sakset fra presseskriv: «Recorded at Vigo Studios in Birmingham, the album is the first to feature new vocalist Rasmus Bom Andersen and ends an eight-year silence for the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) legends.
Prior to 2014, the thought of a new album was bleak. Guitarist and band founder Brian Tatler reveals:
«I had no interest in doing another record but after working with Ras on the 2014 European tour that suddenly changed. I wanted to make a record with him. He’s a confident singer and he’s not trying to fill anyone’s shoes.»
The album’s lyrical focus details political and environmental themes. Its opening and closing songs specifically draw attention to the world’s self-destructive path. Tatler comments:
«The body of the album explores other subtopics in more depth along with songs dealing with lighter subjects that are not so heavy on the heart.»
Vocalist Rasmus Bom Andersen affirms:
«…we made the album with the band’s fans foremost in mind from start to finish. We wanted to write songs that would have ties to the best parts of all the early albums.»
Bandet blir å finne på scenen under årets Sweden Rock Festival, 8. juni.
- Bones
- Shout At The Devil
- Set My soul On fire
- See you Rise
- All The Reasons You Live
- Wizards Sleeve
- Our Time Is Now
- Speed
- Blood On My Hands
- Diamonds
- Silence