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Mike Tramp, ny singel (video)
Hentet fra sisteskiva, sjekk ut video til ‘Stay’ her. Det er Mighty Music som tipser.
Les anmeldelsen av albumet Nomad HER
Nyhet fra 30.08.15:
Target Music har sluppet danskens nye album, ‘Nomad’.
‘Give It All You Got’ er første singel, og viser fram en grei utgave av den tidligere White Lion-vokalisten. Jeg er mye mer happy med når stemmen hans er lagt her, litt nede, enn det han ble kjent for på 80-tallet.
Mike: »For someone who was a big part of the MTV video generation of the 80’s where videos became short movies, record companies spent big cash on production and the artist’s motto was we want it bigger and better than the other bands, I can’t express how gratifying it is to be able to do my new video, spanning across two evenings and with just one other person involved, who in this case wears both the cameraman and director hat. Yes, it might be late in my career, but I finally feel that I recognize and identify with the person on the other side of the camera, I am finally me, and tha’ts what it’s all about…»