Festivalen inntar Rockefeller med et par band 15. mars.
Tons Of Rock Kick Off 2025

Nwobhm-kultbandet Mythra melder inn dette nylig.
Vi leser at de skal inn i studio til høsten med produsent Bart Gabriel (kjent for sitt virke med band som Sacred Steel, Crystal Viper, Jack Starr’s Burning Star m.fl.). Skiva, som ikke har tittel ennå, vil inkludere låter som ’Fundamental Extreme’, ‘All Life Is Analogue’, ‘Still Burning’, ‘Battlecry’ og ‘Survival’. Release er satt til våren 2017.
Bart Gabriel: «Working with Mythra in the studio will be surreal, as I’m a die hard fan of NWoBHM and Mythra. It’s truly an honour. Come on, we are talking about a band that inspired Metallica, about a band that co-created the Heavy Metal scene! We plan to record everything the old school way, so expect real, massive sounding drums, tube amps, twin guitar riffs, great melodies, and all the magical things for which we love Classic Heavy Metal.»
Vokalist Vince High forteller at bandet ser fram til å gå i studio for å spille inn nytt album. «The reaction from fans since our reunion last year has been incredible. Our live shows have gone down a storm and the new tracks added to our recent Anthology release have received great reviews from fans and media alike.»