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Tyskeren har skilt lag med den tidligere Accept-vokalisten David Reece, etter to album, erstatteren er ingen ringere enn den klassiske frontfiguren i Bonfire.
«After two successful charting albums Glorious(2015) and Pearls( 2016) and over 100 shows performed, Bonfire and David Reece part ways citing the reasons as personal and professional differences. These differences are irreconcilable so both parties decide it is best to just part ways. Bonfire wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.»
«Returning to Bonfire will be former Bonfire singer Michael Borman (1993/94). Michael is a very accomplished singer in his own right. A seasoned veteran of Germany’s music scene and also well know for his appearances on the Television show The Voice Germany.
This reunion of sorts with Mastermind Hans Ziller at the controls has all the ingredients for a truly incredible future. With all the missing pieces finally in place this alignment will prove to be the strongest Bonfire ever.»