Destruction kom nylig med sitt 16. album, Birth Of Malice.
A destructive birth…

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Fysisk Format er selskapet som tipset og slipper bandets musikk.
«Sibiir is a cold, dark and barren five-piece from Oslo, Norway. With inspiration drawn from black metal as well as hardcore, the band is focused on punishing rhythms, heavy riffs, dark melodies and screaming vocals.
Since Sibiir first saw light in 2013, they have been hard at work honing their sound. 2015 saw the release of a 7″ titled Swallow & Trap Them! / These Rats We Deny. The time has now come for Sibiir´s self-titled debut album, which will be out on Fysisk Format in October.»
Skive kommer altså i oktober, her er førster singel:
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