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Vinterstormen kommer…
Faktisk har den allerede kommet.
Skiva til tyskerne er ute, ‘Cube Of Infinity’ dukket opp 19. august via NoiseArt Records. Albumet skal visstnok inneholde alt både fansen og mediene vil ha av bandet; «…great anthems, fantastic songwriting, and singer Alexander Schirmer’s voice that is beyond comparison, but also plenty of intense, many-voiced singing.»
«Cube Of Infinity also shows that Winterstorm by far haven’t reached the end of their journey. Once more, their highly diversified songs lure the listeners into a Fantasy World that becomes a thrilling adventure thanks to the high quality of the musical background. Catchy rhythms, enthralling melodies, and elating refrains make Cube Of Infinity a model of how Power Metal should sound in the year of 2016… that will fascinate not only fans of bands such as Blind Guardian, Rhapsody, and Orden Ogan.»