Opeth, ny låt m.m.

Nå dukket det opp en ny låt fra bandets kommende skive.


Nyhet fra 08.09.16:

I rekken av oppdateringer før et band slipper skiver i disse dager, er det hauger av klipp, smakebiter, studioklipp, teasere, men denne gangen er det ihvertfall en sang.


Nyhet fra 30.08.16:

Da var del 5 av studioreporten online…

Mulig har det kommet flere også, men jeg blir litt smågal av mengdene klipp alle skal hive ut, så klikk deg inn på denne videoen om du vil sjekke tidligere klipp, de ligger der i sidemenyen.


Nyhet fra 02.08.16:

Bandet er online med del 1 av en studioreport-serie. Og ny låt. Låten først:


Nyhet fra 18. juli:

30. september er svenskene ute med nytt album. 

Sorceress, bandets tolvte i rekken, slippes av Nuclear Blast, et samarbeid jeg meldte inn for litt siden (se nyhet nedover).

Sakset: «From the album’s opener Persephone to The Wilde Flowers and Strange Brew to the album’s counterpart title tracks Sorceress and Sorceress II, Opeth’s twelfth full-length is an unparalleled adventure, where visions cleverly and secretly change, colors mute as if weathered by time, and sounds challenge profoundly.»

Åkerfeldt: «The new album is our 12th studio album since our beginnings in 1990. I find it difficult to understand that we’ve been going on for 26 years, let alone that we’ve made 12 records now, all of which I am very proud of. Sorceress
is no exception. 

I love this album, as does the whole band. I wrote the music during 5-6 months and we spent only 12 days recording it at Rockfield studios in Wales. I find that once again we’ve taken a step forward. 

Or sideways.

Or backwards.


It’s different! It’s extremely diverse. And if I may say so myself, extremely good. I feel the right to say that since I like to think I know this band better than anyone on the planet. Also, I always manage to detach myself from the record and listen as a fan. It’s a fine little record. My favorite in our discography right now. Of course. That’s how it should be, right? It’s both fresh and old, both progressive and rehashed. Heavy and calm. Just the way we like it. Hopefully there’ll be others around the globe sharing this opinion. It was a joy to make it. A fucking joy to record it, and a sheer joy listening to it. So there you have it!»


  1. Persephone
  2. Sorceress
  3.  The Wilde Flowers
  4.  Will O The Wisp
  5.  Chrysalis
  6.  Sorceress 2
  7.  The Seventh Sojourn
  8.  Strange Brew
  9.  A Fleeting Glance
  10.  Era
  11.  Persephone (Slight Return)

6. november står bandet på scenen i Oslo Konserthus.


Nyhet fra 16.06.16:

Osloaktuelle i november, skive til høsten.

6. november er bandet i Oslo og spiller konsert, skive forventes til høsten, og da altså med logoen til tyske Nuclear Blast påført.

Sakset fra pressemeldingen: «Nuclear Blast Entertainment is very pleased to announce the signing of Swedish progressive legends, Opeth

Mikael Åkerfeldt/Opeth: «We’re happy to confirm that we have indeed signed a deal with Nuclear Blast Entertainment and will be putting out our 12th studio album »Sorceress« via our own imprint, Moderbolaget Records.The decision was made in Markus Staiger’s (Nuclear Blast kingpin) ridiculously potent Porsche going at 150 mph somewhere in the south of Germany. We’re happy to be part of the NB team and look forward to a fruitful relationship.»

«Opeth are currently in the studio with Tom Dalgety putting the finishing touches on Sorceress. A release for the album is tentatively scheduled for the fall.»

Bandfotograf: Stuart Wood