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Khonsu, norsk innovativ extremmetal
Det vanker ny låt fra bandet.
Det er vokalist Terje som rattet over tipset, det setter vi stor pris på. Ønsker du å kjøpe låta på Itunes, er linken du trenger DENNE
Jeg fikk litt info fra Gronbech, da deler jeg selvfølgelig:
«When I wrote the track A Jhator Ascension, it started with playing the theme of the first riff on keyboards. I thought that this could fit both as a high speed riffing part, but also just as a slow and electronic part. Therefore, as people will hear when the album is released, the intro is the same theme as this first riff» explains S. Gronbech and continues: «I am very satisfied with this song. It’s compact, flows very naturally and has a strong sense of wholeness. Besides that, it is probably the most traditional black metal track on the album, and a great opening track as well. As people might have realised by now, I really like mixing the beautiful and tender with the brutal and raw. Mixing these different elements, beacame typical for Khonsu.»
The album as a whole is about a city in space, and A Jhator Ascension is about the process of justification for the protagonist of the story as he is about to drive this vessel into the sun. Some sort of religious delusion also grows in him, as he realises he has power over life and death.
Jhator is the name of a Tibetan burial practise called ‘sky burial’. In this funerary practise a human corpse is placed on a mountaintop, exposing it to the elements and animals – especially predatory birds.»
Nyhet fra 27.08.16:
I følge presseskrivet er det groundbreaking.
Terje Olsen (som mange husker fra Chton) og S. Gronbech er folka bak Khonsu. Med gjester fra Manes og Arnt Gronbech fra Keep Of Kalessin har de sydd sammen et album som dukker opp 18. november via Jhator Recordings.
Jeg har tidligere vært innom dette bandet, og var ganske så begeistret for det kjølige og aggressive uttrykket de hadde fikset, nå gjenstår det å se hva skiva har å tilby.
S. Gronbech: «In our opinion this is an extraordinary album, which demonstrates that the extreme metal scene in Norway is very much alive and still strong as hell. Expect a monumental record that will challenge even the most open minded listeners. It should be enjoyed without prejudice and mental limitations, and it’s an hour-long journey of dark, strange, and desolate atmospheres where you never will be able to predict what’s coming next.»
Her er en video og en trailer fra det kommende albumet.