Pain, pissed off?

Her er enda en video fra Pains nye album.


Nyhet fra 24.09.16:

Nok en video fra svenskenes nye album.


Nyhet fra 24.08.16:

Ny video fra det kommende albumet er online. ‘Call Me’, med Sabaton-vokkisen som gjest. Skive kommer 9. september.


Nyhet fra 07.08.16:

Ny trailer fra det kommende albumet:


Nyhet fra 23.07.16:

Svenskene er ute med teaser, du ser også en lyricvideo her.


Nyhet fra 11.07.16:

Svenskene er snart klare for å følge opp 2011-skiva You Only Live Twice’, ‘Coming Home’ er tittelen, 9. september er releasdato. 

Første singel er ‘Black Knight Satellite’, sjekk her:

Peter Tägtgren: «Black Knight Satellite is based around a story that circulates on the net, both interesting and confusing. The song is an up-tempo song, with orchestra parts and chugging guitars – it will be great live. A typical Pain song. Didn’t wanna start off with a surprise this time :).»

Unnamed (2)


Nyhet fra 24.06.16:

Til høsten, 9. september, slipper Nuclear Blast svenskenes nye album, ‘Coming Home’. 

Peter/Pain om coveret/musikken: «
I was brainstorming about the cover with Heile again… And we got the result that I really needed. I rented a spacesuit and spinned away thereafter… Musically, the album is a development of where Pain and Lindemann ended at – more experimental than what I’ve ever done before. Acoustic guitars and a helping hand again from Clemens of Carach Angren with the orchestra arrangements, and some guest vocals. And Sebastian Tägtgren did a great job on the drums…»


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