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Chemtrails over Oslo

Bandet har brukt fanbilder og laget video.
En special lyric video ifølge skrivet jeg fant liggende, låten er ‘My Bodom (I Am The Only One)’ og er hentet fra bandets siste skive, ‘I Worship Chaos’.
«Fans were encouraged via social media to submit photos of themselves with the band for a chance to be in an upcoming video. Over 300 photos were selected to be featured in the My Bodom (I Am The Only One) lyric video.»
Alexi Laiho: «This is the coolest and my favorite lyric video by far because we actually had a chance to include COB fans from all over the globe in it. It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude, love and appreciation of the madness they bless us with night after night. I can’t wait to play the song live on the upcoming tours!»