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Krokus, nytt album i januar
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Første smakebit er i form av coverlåten ‘The House Of The Rising Sun’, som du kan sjekke ut på diverse streamingtjenester. smak på en liten del av låten HER.
Hele skiva er til info coverlåter, det er kun en Krokus-låt, en nyinnspilling av klassikeren ‘Backseat Rock’n Roll’.
27. januar kommer Big Rocks i handel, via Century Media. Nå kaller de dette et nytt studioalbum, men. «…the brand new studio album of Switzerland’s legendary hard rock act Krokus. On ‘Big Rocks’ Krokus are paying tribute to bands and artists like Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Who, Steppenwolf, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones and many more by presenting their very own versions of classic tracks such as My Generation, Tie Your Mother Down, Whole Lotta Love, Quinn The Eskimo, Born To Be Wild and others.»
Bassist Chris von Rohr: «The first time I came across this song was in the wild sixties. I was lying on my bed and all of a sudden I heard the voices of a thousand angels sing.»