Bandet er ute med ny video fra det kommende albumet.
Threshold, nytt album i år
Progbandet melder at de jobber med sitt nye album.
Releasedato er ikke kjent, men de sier i en pressemelding at det blir i løpet av 2017. Og avtalen de har med Nuclear Blast har blitt fornyet, det betyr at de er happy med andre ord.
Fotograf bandbilde: Ukjent
«After ten successful years with the label Nuclear Blast, British progressive protagonists Threshold have signed a new contract and extended their partnership with the label in July 2016. Furthermore, they have also announced plans for their next release: Threshold are currently recording their 11th masterpiece at Thin Ice Studios in England, a new concept album that will be called Legends Of The Shires. It is being produced by Karl Groom and Richard West and it’s scheduled to be released in 2017.»