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Steve Grimmett fortsatt syk
Grim Reaper-vokalist Steve har det fortsatt ganske røft.
Vokalisten er på sykehus i Sør-Amerika, hvor bandet var på turne. Steve ble syk under en konsert, men fullførte sittende og ble så hastet til sykehuset.
Kona til Grimmett, Amelia, har holdt fansen oppdatert via Facebook. «Last Saturday, whilst doing a gig in Ecuador, Steve was taken very ill. He finished the gig sitting down but was transported to a local hospital immediately after the performance where they operated to remove an infection.»
Amelia var innom The Metal Voice
og gjorde et intervju rundt saken der, du kan se det under her.
Amelia: «The band was only ten days into a South American tour when Steve began to feel ill. He took some tablets thinking it was maybe altitude sickness. However during the early part of the band’s performance, Steve’s health went downhill quickly. He was taken to hospital and rushed into surgery to attempt to remove a growing infection on his foot. The following morning, they scanned him and confirmed the infection had spread. He was rushed back in to surgery and was told he would at minimum loose a few toes, worse-case scenario his foot. Additional tests were conducted and the infection had again spread. On Wednesday, a decision was made for a third operation; one that resulted in doctors removing Steve’s right leg below the knee in order to stop the infection that could, if allowed to spread, take his life.»
«Fans have taken to social media since initial reports started to appear regarding the beloved singer. Now an official fundraising page has been created to help Steve with costs that are quickly rising. Donations can be made HERE
Grimmet is currently expected to return to England on Friday. Amelia: Steve is booked on a plane to fly home this week, the rest of the band has now flown back so Steve will be on his own in the hospital but he says he’s ok. The embassy has promised they will look after him and get him back to the UK safely.»
Steve Grimmett: «I would like to thank my band mates for their support and to our fans for doing the same.»