Pendragon, dvd

Bandet feirer jubileum for albumet ‘The Masquerade Overture’.

De engelske symfoproggerne feirer 20-årsjubileum til ett av de sine mest populære album. Bandet spilte inn en konsert i Polen i fjor, @Wyspianski Theatre i Katowice, der ble innholdet på ‘The Masquerade Overture’ framført, pluss et knippe fanfavoritter.


Nick Barrett, gitarist/vokalist: «This dvd is probably the most cohesive performance from the band so far captured on film. Just as we have been together for so many years as musicians it shows us as friends as well, even with new boy, Vinnie our drummer and Verity and Tina on backing vocals who appear for the first time with us on DVD. The overall feel of the music and performance is fantastic and the sound is amazing.»

I tillegg til konserten vil dvd-en inneholde intervjuer med «…Peter Gee and Jan-Vincent Velazco, photo gallery and other extras.»

7. april er datoen å se fram til, selskapet som slipper dette er Metal Mind Productions. Utgivelsen vil også bli tilgjengelig som dobbel cd. 


  1. The Masquerade Overture
  2. As Good as Gold
  3. Paintbox
  4. The Pursuit of Excellence
  5. Guardian of My Soul
  6. The Shadow
  7. Masters of Illusion
  8. King of the Castle
  9. Schizo
  10. Beautiful Soul
  11. Faces of Light
  12. Nostradamus
  13. Explorers of the Infinite
  14. Come Home Jack
  15. This Green and Pleasant Land
  16. Breaking the Spell
  17. Indigo


  • Interview with Peter Gee and Jan-Vincent Velazco
  • In Bardo in Sri Lanka
  • Photo gallery
  • Discography
  • Desktop images