The Haunted til Norge + ny skive

Hele tre konserter i vårt lilleland :).

I tillegg er det snart duket for nytt album. Planen er å spille inn og slippe på Century Media senere i år. Om albumet er klar til konsertene vet man ikke, men det er jo lov å håpe at de presenterer mye nytt materiale på turneen.

The Haunted@Facebook

Gitarist Ola Englund: «After almost 2.5 years since the release of Exit Wounds, we’re finally hitting the studio again. This time around we have chosen Russ Russell of Parlour Studios to record/mix the album, so we’re heading over to UK early march to start with the drums. And telling from the pre-productions, this will be a bit more of a dynamic album than Exit Wounds, song-wise. I’m very excited to let the fans hear what we have in store. It’s brutality and beauty in perfect disharmony.»

  • 31. august: Oslo@Blå
  • 1. september: Stavanger@Folken
  • 2. september: Bergen@Hulen

Livefoto, fotograf: Rubén Fivvecore Photographies

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