Bandet kommer med album i vår.
Eluveitie, skive og Oslobesøk

Andre smakebit fra bandets kommende album er online.
Aðalbjörn Tryggvason/Sólstafir: «The meaning of Bláfjall is blue – as in a black, black mountain, and it revolves around man’s battle against his own mind and those inner demons that often lead to self-destruction and harming one’s loved ones. I have myself struggled with alcoholism and it remains a never-ending battle and continuously walking further up a mountain in foggy darkness. But this is also about hope, because there is a way out, but you have to grab that rope when it comes swinging towards you and hold on to it as tight as you can. Everybody can end up lost on the black mountain, or Bláfjall in this case.»
Nyhet fra 05.03.17:
Islendingene er snart klare med nytt album.
Season Of Mist melder inn skiva å komme den 26. mai, så liker du bandet er det fortsatt noen uker å smøre seg med et eller annet.
Bandet avslører cover og tracklist, og ny låt. » The new masterpiece of the enigmatic Icelandic rockers is entitled Berdreyminn, which means a dreamer of forthcoming events and will be out in stores on May 26th.»
Coveret står kunstneren
Adam Burke bak, sjekk en større visning på Facebook
Det har funnet sted en endring i lineup, bildet under her skal vise den nye gjengen.
Fotograf: Vidar Hafsteinn