Stemninger og lydsfærer fra duoen.
Picture Ann, etterlatenskap

Ny video er online.
Denne er koblet til den forrige, som du ser rett under denne nye.
Cristina Scabbia/vokal: «The darkness, the intensity, the script itself are taking the viewer to the dimension we wanted to be transported to. You Love Me ‘Cause I Hate You and Blood, Tears, Dust are tightened together in a twisted story that I like a lot as there is so much that can be defined with each one’s imagination. Interpreting different characters was also exciting, an interesting challenge I hadn’t faced until then.»
Nyhet fra 01.04.17:
Ny video er på plass fra italienerne, låten er ‘Blood, Tears, Dust’.
Cristina Scabbia (vokalist) om videoen: «Right now I can’t tell you, everything about Blood, Tears, Dust, as this video is part of something bigger… This is the core of who we are as a band: the sweat, the dirt, the raw energy. It’s our insanity and all of us feeling comfortable with it. I love how by Cosimo Alemà filmed this, the photography, the colors and the hints in the story are perfectly placed and it is the first time we are really ‘acting’. This video is only a part of a much bigger plan… stay tuned. Hope you enjoy this video as much as I do!»
Nyhet fra 29.07.16:
Ny video fra bandet, som er aktuelle med Oslo- og Bergensbesøk til høsten.
Den nystartede festivalen i Bergen, Edge:Nordic, slipper til italienerne i oktober, samme måned er det aktuelle i Oslo. Les mer om Edge:Nordic HER
Nyhet fra 09.06.16:
Oslo 30. oktober. Det er
John Dee
som er vertskap for bandet, er du fan er det bare å begynne å sjekke billetter. Klikk
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Nyhet fra 20.05.16:
Ghost In The Mist er hentet fra det kommende albumet ‘Delirium’.
Nyhet fra 17.03.16:
Bandet slipper nytt album i mai.
«There is an old sanatorium up in the hills of Northern Italy. An old, abandoned, and decayed fortress whose corridors are filled with the ghosts of a thousand tortured minds and souls. A place where every wall still bares the scars of countless damaged lives…
Welcome to the Lacuna Coil Sanatorium!»
Dette er italienernes åttende skive, hvor de står for alt selv, release for ‘Delirium’ er 27. mai.