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Michael Schenker er i fokus, men nå under navnet Michael Schenker Fest, som var grunnen til at jeg ikke gjorde en nyhet med en gang og avfeide som et eller annet tributegreier eller en gitarfestival ;).
Bilde, fotograf: Michael Voss
Den tyske gitaristen har planer om nytt album neste år, og har satt sammen et band med flere av de klassiske vokalistene han har hatt med seg tidligere. Skive kommer til våren neste år, Nuclear Blast melder dette.
Sakset: «Michael Schenker is one of the most significant rock guitarists in the history of music. He has mesmerised the rock community since the 70’s with his characteristic guitar play and contributed not only to Scorpions classics such as Lovedrive‘, Coast To Coast and ‘Holiday‘, but also constructed himself a monument during his time in Ufo by writing hits like Doctor Doctor‘ and Rock Bottom among others. His playing has influenced several generations of guitar players enormously.»
Michael Schenker: «I am very happy to have signed with Nuclear Blast Records and I am looking forward to releasing a killer Michael Schenker Fest studio album in the spring of 2018. The album will bring together past and present in the form of 3 original M.S.G. singers – Gary Barden, Graham Bonnet & Robin McAuley – and the current Michael Schenkers Temple Of Rock vocalist Doogie White (ex-Rainbow). Keep on rockin’!»
Det er plottet en del konserter, men ingen her i Norge ennå.