Rage, album i salg, video

Tittellkuttet er klart i videoformat. 

Det er strengt tatt noen dager siden det kom online, men whatever :). Det låter friskere av denne låten enn mye av det andre, bra.


Nyhet fra 07.06.17:

Første smakebit fra tyskernes kommende skive.

I tillegg legger jeg inn tracklisten, hvor en bonus-cd med nyinnspillinger fra tiden de het Avenger er å få fatt i.


  1. Season Of The Black
  2. Serpents In Disguise
  3. Blackened Karma
  4. Time Will Tell
  5. Septic Bite
  6. Walk Among The Dead
  7. All We Know Is Not
  8. The Tragedy Of Man – Gaia
  9. The Tragedy Of Man – Justify
  10. The Tragedy Of Man – Bloodshed In Paradise
  11. The Tragedy Of Man – Farewell

Avenger Revisited (Bonus ):

  1. Adoration
  2. Southcross Union
  3. Assorted By Satan
  4. Faster Than Hell
  5. Sword Made Of Steel
  6. Down To The Bone


Nyhet fra 13.05.17:

Tyskerne er skiveklare på sensommeren.

Det er ikke voldsomt lenge siden forrige slipp kom, Nuclear blast poengterer at det kun dreier seg om fjorten måneder. Bandet, som nylig var innom Oslo og spilte konsert, stiller med fersk skive 28. juni, tittelen er ‘Season Of The Black’.

Peavy: «Our fans are getting Rage metal of the very first grade. We’ve been able to bring the band’s typical trademarks into eleven new songs, and we’re sticking to the course that we forged on the last album! This means hard and very catchy compositions that also sound thrash, aggressive and epic.»


Albumet teller 11 spor, hvor Peavy her forteller litt om tittelkuttet: «The song is very personal, it is about a failed life-long dream. Imagine being stamped to the ground and looking at the broken pieces of your existence. This sadly is a destiny that many people have to share. Most of the songs on the album include a very gloomy view of the world, so we thought Seasons Of The Black would be suitable for the entire album.»

Rage Season Of The Black 2017

Bandfoto, fotograf: Ukjent

Rage 2017