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The 3rd Attempt, nytt album (video)
Video fra bandets kommende skive, har du sett den?
Nyhet fra 17.10.17:
Bandet er snart klare med sitt andre album.
Patricia Thomas Management la igjen infoen på dette. Releasdato er 1. desember.
«Titled Egocidal Path, and set for release on Dark Essence Records on the 1st December, The 3rd Attempt’s sophomore offering not only builds on the foundation laid by its predecessor, it also leaves it far behind. There’s still Thrash, there’s still Black’n’Roll, and there’s no doubting the presence of that Black Metal vibe.
But there’s a whole lot more besides, because Egocidal Path exudes the confidence that comes from a band whose members have gelled and know that they have succeeded in creating something loud, energetic and brash, intermingled with subtle touches that surprise. It has a variety that keeps it fresh and interesting, and showcases the undoubted skills and experience of each and every one of its members.»
Skiva, som kommer på lp og cd, samt digitalt, inneholder følgende låter.
- Blood, Dope and Black N Roll
- Into the Light
- Reflections about Knives
- Egocide
- I’ll do it now
- The Diciples
- Black Metal Alchemist
- The Oath