Funeral kommer med snart og tilbyr tunge stunder.
At The Gates, ny skive (video)
Det nærmer seg skiveslipp, her er ny video:
Vokalist Tomas Lindberg om låten: «Daggers of Black Haze represents the more progressive side of the new record. It has a lot of reference-points to our early back catalogue, both style wise, and the emotional setting. It is desperate and urgent, but still melancholic and epic.»
Nyhet fra 10.04.18:
Svenskene er ikke langt unna plateslipp, her er ny låt.
Vokalist Tomas røper blant annet at «… I think it could be one of the most aggressive songs we have ever written.»
Nyhet fra 07.03.18:
I mai er svenskene klare med sitt nye album.
‘To Drink From The Night Itself’ har logoen til Century Media pålimt, og kommer i butikkene 18. mai. Coveret, som er i fokus her, ble ordnet av
Costin Chioreanu, her er bandets tanker om dette:
It has once again been an absolute pleasure working creativily with Costin. We had a lot of ideas for what we wanted to get across with the art this time around. Overall they were, not surprisingly, related to the general concept of the record. What is great with Costin is that he understands the band. He knows what we are and where we come from. And me and him also have a strong artistic connection. I have never met anyone that goes so deep into the world of my lyrics and concepts. When I first wrote to him describing my ideas, I was worried that my remarks were perhaps too long and too confusing, only to get back an even longer and very inspired response…»
- Der Widerstand
- To Drink From The Night Itself
- A Stare Bound In Stone
- Palace Of Lepers
- Daggers Of Black Haze
- The Chasm
- In Nameless Sleep
- The Colours Of The Beast
- A Labyrinth Of Tombs
- Seas Of Starvation
- In Death They Shall Burn
- The Mirror Black