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Wombbath – klassisk svensk dødsmetal (låtpremiere)
Svensk rå dødsmetal, oldschool. Sjekk ut låt eksklusivt på
Leser du deg litt opp finner du ut at denne gjengen har over tredve års fartstid, uten at de nødvendigvis har sluppet skiver hele veien. Dette er bandets tredje fullengder, som akkompagnerer en rekke med splittutgivelser og demoer. Du kan forhåndsbestille (lp/cd/digital) HER
- Låt
: Born Of Filth - Album
: The Great Desolation - Releasedato
: 1. juni - Selskap
: Soulseller Records
The Great Desolation by Wombbath
«The band was part of the birth of the Swedish Death Metal scene and went into hiatus after a handful of classic releases. Until 2014 when original member and guitarist Håkan Stuvemark felt the urge to play raw old school tunes again. He recruited vocalist Jonny Pettersson and after a few splits, the comeback full-length Downfall Rising was recorded. The process fuelled the band to become once again a force to be reckoned with. After playing all over the world the band is now back with the follow-up entitled The Great Desolation which takes the Wombbath sound to the next level, charged with old school rawness, darkness and haunting melodies.»
- Embrace Death
- The Great Desolation
- Footsteps Of Armageddon
- Born Of Filth
- Punisher Of Broken Oaths
- The Weakest Flesh
- Cold Steel Salvation
- Hail The Obscene
- Harvester Of Sin
Sjekk også ut låten The Weakest Link: