Danskene er ute med ny smakebit.
Trold (video)

Sammen med amerikanske Witherfell kommer bandet til Oslo i mars.
Parkteateret og 13. mars neste år er stikkord. Og om du ikke ligger i fosterstilling som meg når det blir snakk om akustiske turneer, finnene stiller med et slikt konsept når de inntar hovedstaden med Acoustic Adventures.
Bandet spiller for tiden inn sitt tiende studioalbum, selskapet som står bak og melder inn nyheten er Nuclear Blast. Mellom studioinnspilling og skiveslipp er det altså ryddet plass til en turne.
«Keyboardist Henrik: «We’ve been locked up in the studio since the end of the summer working on our next studio album and decided we needed to take a break and go out and play some shows. In the summer of 2016 we did an acoustic summer tour in Finland which was a lot of fun for both us and our fans; in fact it was so great that we wanted to do it again and this time we’re not settling for just Finland – but taking this show all around Europe for the first time ever. Now is a unique chance to hear our music in a completely different setting and we’re sure these evenings will be something really special. Our set will also include some stuff we’ve never played live before, and who knows maybe even a new song from the upcoming album. See you at the shows!»