Redwolves er fremtidsrettet

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Det er både Mona@All Noir og Bjarne Stenbæk som tipser, det setter man pris på :). ‘The Pioneer’ er hentet fra albumet ‘
Future Becomes Past’, som dukker opp 15. mars via Argonauta Records.

«Moving between a modern rock’n roll, intelligent vocals, heavy grooves and finest guitar licks, Redwolves manage to combine the classic Scandinavian sound with a fresh approach.»

Bandet: «This new track is the first of a two-part sci-fi tragedy about The Pioneer, an android-like being who seeks to evolve humanity into a higher state of existence only to find that it is not an easy task…»


  1. Plutocracy
  2. Rigid Generation
  3. The Abyss
  4. Fenris
  5. The Pioneer
  6. Voyagers
  7. Farthest From Heaven
  8. Temple Of Dreams


Redwolves 19