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Chemtrails over Oslo

Det danske melodiske hardrockbandet er ute med video.
Låten er ‘Second Best’, og er første singel fra det kommende albumet ‘Margin Of Error’. Det var Fernand@Mighty Music som var så kul å gi Heavymetal.no premieren.
Om låten sier bassist Peter Bruun: «We were finishing up the recording and we just had the feeling that we needed one more song. Something short and catchy. So Marco came up with the riffs, and we worked out the arrangement pretty quickly. And Lars came up with a killer melody».
Lyrically it deals with selfishness and envy. With basically wanting the best for someone else. Or at least the seond best, because you’ll always keep the best for yourself. It applies for a lot of aspects of life.»
‘Margin Of Error’ er bandets tredje fullengder (digital release 01.03.19/fysisk release 22. 03.19), og inkluderer låter fra en digital ep som kom i fjor. Musikalsk forklares skiva slik: «…the album displays a varied landscape of melodic hardrock, hard hitting metal anthems and slowpaced heavy monsters. Songs with strong melodies and memorable choruses you can sing along to. It’s the most coherent and well crafted collection of songs from a band that’s better than ever.»