Terraborn, postapokalyptisk metal

Bandet er ute med video til låten ‘Call To War’. Det er Tom@Polymath PR som la igjen denne infoen.

Dette er tittellåten fra bandets nye ep, de hadde følgende å si om videoen: «We are stoked to finally be able to release our video for the title track from our 
crushing debut EP Call to War. This video wouldn’t have been possible without the 
help from our friends Andy Boyle and Jim Liddiard, and of course Creative 
Technologies in Crawley for allowing us to shoot our own version of chaos.»

Bandet er et «…five-piece post-apocalyptic metal band with a strong aesthetic, killer riffs and a far-reaching concept where every live show is the soundtrack to destruction. Explosions, gunfire and air raid sirens merge with blistering metal to create a live; unlike any other.

In a parallel dimension, a nuclear holocaust caused by corrupt world leaders, seeking to rid the planet of the mutated beings they inadvertently created, has forced the human race to retreat underground…

The effects of a biological weapon have caused some people to mutate, violent and 
blood thirsty, The Fallen now ravage the land. Five once normal men, now reborn 
from the earth as disfigured but powerful warriors, have risen against The Fallen.

They vow to take back the world of TERRA and destroy the mutant masses.»

Bandbilde, fotograf: Greig Clifford

Terrabornby 19 Greig Clifford