Thrashbandet kommer snart med nytt album.
Hirax vs døden

Skive kommer til fredag, her er noen smakebiter:
Nyhet fra 28.03.19:
Ny smakebit fra skiva, som kommer snart.
Nyhet fra 12.02.19:
Det amerikanske metalbandet er tilbake. Fem år etter forrige skive stiller de med utgivelse i slutten av april.
26. april slipper Roar! Rock Of Angels Records albumet ‘The God Machine’.
«Five years after the release of their latest album Omniscient, the band recruited the all-star Heavy Metal singer/producer R.D. Liapakis of Mystic Prophecy/Devil’s Train and his uniquely ranged vocal skills to perfectly match the songs on The God Machine.
R.D. Liapakis is not just only the man behind the microphone though since he, alongside Steve Kachinsky is responsible for the songwriting and production process of the album. The voice of R.D. Liapakis sounds tough, bluesy and strong, with wide range, power and style. The high notes come effortlessly, and the lead vocals make you want to stand up and wail along with his singing.
The God Machine is a high quality metal album that will become an instant classic among Steel Prophet’s catalogue!»