Last Wave og GrowN drar til hovedstaden!
Marco Mendoza (videopremiere)
Dagens første av tre premierer kommer fra Marco Mendoza.
Låten er en ballade, som bassisten har laget basert på savn til familien. M
en Marco har jo deltatt på fryktelig mye hardere saker, og skilter med cv-plottinger som
Whitesnake, Ted Nugent, The Dead Dasies og Thin Lizzy.
Marco: «This is a ballad about missing my home, my kids and my wife who is amazing and my rock, so I wanted to write something for her. Soren Andersen, who produced and mixed my album had a rough idea and chord progression for a ballad, so before you know it emotionally I was driven to sing to her, after chocking a few times and a few tears Leah happened !!
It is a beautiful song and after so many requests to play this song live we decided to shoot a music video and release it as single The setting and the weather in Mallorca was perfect! In fact we had a blast shooting it and I hope fans will like and enjoy!!»