Bandet er ute med ny video fra det kommende albumet.
Soren Andersen, videopremiere
Dansk gitarist med skive. Abumet ‘Guilty Pleasures’ kommer 4, oktober.
Takk til Mighty Music og Fernando for tips. Videoen er spilt inn i fantastiske Randers Regnskog i Danmark, verdt en tur!
Låten under teller selveste Glenn Huges på bass og Chad Smith på trommer.
«Soren Andersen is a very talented and respected guitar player on his own, besides being a well-known producer, an embassador for guitar brands such as TC Electronic, Yamaha Guitars and Line 6 and the guitarist of Glenn Hughes. His new album, Guilty Pleasures, is a guitar-oriented instrumental record where Andersen shows his dynamic and fluid playing and, above all, his surprising writing skills. Bird Feeder, from the album, is where the producer/musician shows his love for birds and showcases a great video with images of Randers Regnskov Tropical Zoo
Bilde, fotograf: Ukjent