Stemninger og lydsfærer fra duoen.
Picture Ann, etterlatenskap

‘A Dark Horizon’, ny video fra Mortiis.
Premieren var i går, men grunnet jobb klarte jeg ikke å få ting klart, men her er klippet:
Les mer om skiva lenger nede.
Moritis om videoen/låten: » For the A Dark Horizon video I decided to team up again with director Ari Savonen in order to create a similar dark and mysterious mood we previously captured with the Visions Of an Ancient Future video. That first video symbolised the re-awakening of Mortiis (era I) which is continued by the new video so to speak.
Shooting conditions were intense, I had just come off a flight from Poland where I played a couple of shows and went straight to the set in Finland were winter had clearly arrived. Since we were shooting in an abandoned old factory and my new outfit basically consists of pieces of latex on my upper body, spending hours filming in a chilly factory environment basically meant I was freezing my butt off pacing around half-naked trying not do die.
The things I do in the name of art…»
Nyhet fra 29.10 19:
Den maskerte mannen er albumklar rett over nyttår (smakebit).
Det er Barbara@Neecee Agency som tipser.
Spirit Of Rebellion kommer 24. januar neste år, selskapet er Omnipresence Production/Dead Seed Productions. Skiva er«…a re-interpreted expansion and continuation of the 1994 Era I classic Ånden som Gjorde Opprør.»
Formater er lp, cd og digitalt.
Og det vanker to konserter i Norge så langt jeg kan se. Førstkommende lørdag, 2. november, stiller han i Notodden@Telerock, 14. desember blir han å finne på Tribute i Sandnes.
Bilde, fotograf: Jeremy Saffer