Gitaristen kommer med liveskive i april.
Yngwie J. Malmsteen feirer 40 år!

Det driver godt av dette bandet
For fans of Black Sabbath, Graveyard, Rival Sons.
Freddy And The Phantoms har premiere på denne videoen, det er Mighty Music og Fernando som legger igjen godlyden:
Freddy And The Phantoms@Facebook
«New single and official video from one of Denmark’s hardest touring rock bands. Taken from the album A Universe From Nothing, to be released in April 24 th, this song features a guest solo from Danish legendary guitar player Soren Andersen.
River Of Hate is a picture of how politicians and the media feeds on promoting fear, hatred and dividing people into us and them. Trump is the leader of the current movement – the king of lies and deceit» forteller vokalist/gitarist Freddy.