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MikeTramp, The Road (videopremiere)
Premierer på danskens nye video.
Mighty Music og Fernando fortsetter å slippe premierer mot oss, det setter vi pris på.
Sjekk ut låten her, som nok er i roligeste laget for mange. Den tidligere White Lion-vokalisten har lagt seg på en ikke voldsomt hard stil, men holder seg godt innenfor rockegrensen.
Mike Tramp: «Life is a journey, where you travel an endless highway that goes up and down and in and out. It is here you find out who you are and what you are made of. Where you make decisions of where you’re going and and where you are not. When you come to the end of the journey and you look back at The Road you’ve traveled. No matter the good or the bad. You always want to do it again, and that is my commitment to rock’n’roll.»