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Fight The Fight, skive i september (video)
Da var fjerde singel på plass, skive kommer om et par uker.
Ritual er hentet fra bandets kommende skive, Deliverance, som dukker opp via Indie Recordings. Tusen takk til Jelena@Indie for tips :).
Nyhet fra 25.03.20:
I går kom det på plass ny video fra bandets kommende skive, ‘Deliverance’ er i hyllene i september. Takk til Jelena@Indie for tips.
«Europe is in quarantine, and so was one of the members of Fight The Fight. After he got out, the band decided to go out on the empty streets of Oslo to do a video for their song Pacemaker. With uplifting drum beats and bouncy groove, Pacemaker directly takes action.
The song’s inner drive won’t stop being fun, while the catchy chorus makes sure you’ll never forget the lyrics of this song. Fight The Fight’s incredible musicality shines through in an instrumental part, followed by an overwhelming guitar solo, which gets round-up by the song’s chorus, and a stompy breakdown.
Along with great guitar melodies, a decent harmonic background, and Lars Vegas’ unique-sounding voice, this one directly goes into your favorite-song-playlist.»
Nyhet fra 09.03.20:
Fikk du med deg videoen?
Oslobandet, som kaller seg high-octane metallers, slipper sitt andre album, ‘Deliverance’, 18. september via Metal Blade/Indie Recordings. Det er Jelena@Indie som la igjen hintet, takk :).
Musikken forklares slik: «Musically the song lies in between a metalcore influenced version of Devin Townsend Project and crazy mathcore similar to the calm side of The Dillinger Escape Plan. Still Fight The Fight maintain their unique style of modern, progressive and core-influenced metal.» Hiv på en unektelig dunst av Rage Against The Machine, så kan vi vel begynne å være enige.
‘Triggerfinger’ er første singel, den sjekker du ut her:
Bilde, fotograf: Therese Wangberg