Destruction kom nylig med sitt 16. album, Birth Of Malice.
A destructive birth…

Prosjektet er ute med ny ep.
21. september kom Picture Ann med ep-en ‘Revenir’, den sjekker du ut under her. Dette er en splittutgivelse med bandet Vornoff.
«The lousy purveyors of lo-fi darkness known as Picture Ann and the now-defunct dungeon synth project that was Vornoff recently unearthed and released four previously unreleased tracks in the shape of the digital EP entitled Revenir. It is essentially a short and somewhat unrefined collection consisting of two outtakes, one crude rehearsal track that is sorely lacking drums, and an alternate version of a previously released tune, which means that this one is primarily intended for the fans and completists out there. Hopefully, it offers a glimpse of some interesting musical ideas that were either never properly expanded on or simply abandoned at some point in time for whatever lame reason.»