Jepp, progrock til folket!
Sykofant, den røde solen

Prahabandet er inspirert av blant annet norske svartmetalartister.
Nærmere bestemt
«…old Ulver, Dodheimsgard, Ved Buens Ende, Enslaved, first Negura Bunget albums and many others.»
Det forteller Michal til
Towards the ‘Great White Nothing’ kom i handel 11. september, fysisk på cd via Metalgate, ellers er den å finne på blant annet Bandcamp.
Towards the Great White Nothing by Voluptas
«We like to think we play a psychedelic and somewhat experimental variety of black metal, influenced by the Norwegian avant-garde of the 1990s and other eccentric rock genres. We occasionally incorporate elements of noise/drone/ambient, e.g. in the last track on the new album (Desert Twilight), which also features the saxophone, already present on our debut Ved Rums Ende.»